Prophetic Word for Tevet 5785
Tevet 5785—The Tenth Hebrew Month
Jan 1–29, 2025
Jan 1–29, 2025
Dearly Beloved One,
Oh, my Oh my! Now is the time to push through into maturity for the coming New Year 2025. You have great potential. I AM everything to you, I AM with you in all circumstances, and this is a month for you to see and hear Me clearer than ever before.
As you mature this year, you will become stronger and stronger and, just as Samson, who killed more of the enemy in his final days than all his previous years put together, you too can expect to see more of the end time harvest than ever before as I rapidly mature you and, in the same way, you will achieve more in this period of your life than during your whole lifetime. There will be a greater harvest than all the harvests since the Day of Pentecost until now.
Forget those things which are behind, reaching forward to those things which are ahead. Of course, Samson’s weakness was basically his inability to say “no” to his flesh putting them above his vows and calling. He also loved the sweetness of the honeycomb, and should have run from Delilah, but his flesh kept him coming back for more, but you chose to walk in sync with Me and that blesses My heart.
Tevet is the month to fast and pray and will help you keep covenant with Me. Be watchful, Beloved, as you sharpen your spiritual senses as you focus on Me, keeping and staying in alignment with My times and Seasons as the Holy Spirit leads you. I will break any siege of the enemy against you this year.
No matter what the enemy does, I will come through and help you. I will provide the oil of the Holy Spirit so that you continue to shine for Me. Your light will not grow dim or go out. This is the season of dedication and rededication. Keep your life dedicated to Me and watch how the miracles will unfold. The oil I anoint you with, will not last just one day but I will continue to fill your lamp with the oil of My Holy Spirit.
The more you live your life for Me, the more you will see what I want you to see - that the eyes of your understanding will be enlightened with wisdom and maturity, recognizing Me in all circumstances.
It is a month to break the power of evil watchers because if you don’t break that power, it will try to manipulate you. The evil eye is embedded in the culture today which allows you to be manipulated by evil spirits. Pray and ask Me to close the eyes of the enemy, so you are not hindered. Remember Elisha prayed for the eyes of his servant be opened and he was able to see the angelic army protecting them. Elisha prayed again and the enemy army was blinded.
Rededicate yourself to Me, child, your home and your work and you will see and hear the miracles happening all around you. Move forward with confidence into 2025 praying for kings and all who are in authority. I will give you many prayer strategies to be released at this time as well as in April and July. I will send people to lead and guide you who will give you more revelation. Be sure to pray for your spiritual covering as well as for the political leaders in your nation and in the Ekklesia.
Be angry but do not sin – anger itself isn’t necessarily a sin; but you will have to be careful not to let it control you because that leads to sin. Get over your anger before nightfall and I will give you the opportunity to overcome. So, when it rises, deal with it and build yourself up.
I AM purifying your bloodline from all spiritual impurities as My blood enters your own bloodstream and DNA and you will begin to function more effectively.
This month is the constellation of Capricorn, the goat – What I AM saying to you is “Hinds feet in high places”. I AM enabling you to go to higher places with Me. It’s time to leap like a mountain goat, clinging to The Rock of your Salvation. Enjoy the climb, Beloved, because I AM taking you to the Mountain top and your “eyes will see the Glory of the coming of the Lord” in 2025.
Happy New Year,
Love Abba
Submitted by Miriam Wakefield
Oh, my Oh my! Now is the time to push through into maturity for the coming New Year 2025. You have great potential. I AM everything to you, I AM with you in all circumstances, and this is a month for you to see and hear Me clearer than ever before.
As you mature this year, you will become stronger and stronger and, just as Samson, who killed more of the enemy in his final days than all his previous years put together, you too can expect to see more of the end time harvest than ever before as I rapidly mature you and, in the same way, you will achieve more in this period of your life than during your whole lifetime. There will be a greater harvest than all the harvests since the Day of Pentecost until now.
Forget those things which are behind, reaching forward to those things which are ahead. Of course, Samson’s weakness was basically his inability to say “no” to his flesh putting them above his vows and calling. He also loved the sweetness of the honeycomb, and should have run from Delilah, but his flesh kept him coming back for more, but you chose to walk in sync with Me and that blesses My heart.
Tevet is the month to fast and pray and will help you keep covenant with Me. Be watchful, Beloved, as you sharpen your spiritual senses as you focus on Me, keeping and staying in alignment with My times and Seasons as the Holy Spirit leads you. I will break any siege of the enemy against you this year.
No matter what the enemy does, I will come through and help you. I will provide the oil of the Holy Spirit so that you continue to shine for Me. Your light will not grow dim or go out. This is the season of dedication and rededication. Keep your life dedicated to Me and watch how the miracles will unfold. The oil I anoint you with, will not last just one day but I will continue to fill your lamp with the oil of My Holy Spirit.
The more you live your life for Me, the more you will see what I want you to see - that the eyes of your understanding will be enlightened with wisdom and maturity, recognizing Me in all circumstances.
It is a month to break the power of evil watchers because if you don’t break that power, it will try to manipulate you. The evil eye is embedded in the culture today which allows you to be manipulated by evil spirits. Pray and ask Me to close the eyes of the enemy, so you are not hindered. Remember Elisha prayed for the eyes of his servant be opened and he was able to see the angelic army protecting them. Elisha prayed again and the enemy army was blinded.
Rededicate yourself to Me, child, your home and your work and you will see and hear the miracles happening all around you. Move forward with confidence into 2025 praying for kings and all who are in authority. I will give you many prayer strategies to be released at this time as well as in April and July. I will send people to lead and guide you who will give you more revelation. Be sure to pray for your spiritual covering as well as for the political leaders in your nation and in the Ekklesia.
Be angry but do not sin – anger itself isn’t necessarily a sin; but you will have to be careful not to let it control you because that leads to sin. Get over your anger before nightfall and I will give you the opportunity to overcome. So, when it rises, deal with it and build yourself up.
I AM purifying your bloodline from all spiritual impurities as My blood enters your own bloodstream and DNA and you will begin to function more effectively.
This month is the constellation of Capricorn, the goat – What I AM saying to you is “Hinds feet in high places”. I AM enabling you to go to higher places with Me. It’s time to leap like a mountain goat, clinging to The Rock of your Salvation. Enjoy the climb, Beloved, because I AM taking you to the Mountain top and your “eyes will see the Glory of the coming of the Lord” in 2025.
Happy New Year,
Love Abba
Submitted by Miriam Wakefield