A prophetic word just for you for
The Fourth Month in the Hebrew calendar known as Tammuz
July 7 – August 4, 2024
Dearly Beloved One,
This month is a month to be watchful, but I AM also teaching you how to shine through difficult times. Your destiny in Me is greater than you can possibly think or imagine. The light of life radiates in and through you and people, even those who do not recognize the source of that light radiating from your eyes, will be attracted to it, and some will try to put it out. This is a season of new beginnings and breakthrough; keep your heart soft, Beloved, and declare, “Lord, Your fire is burning in me. It’s Your fire inside me that causes my eyes to shine with Your light and life.”
The words for this month are “correction and direction”. There are going to be tough times ahead as the Titans clash in the heavenly realms which will be felt on the earth but let Me remind you, Beloved, the battle is mine and you will see the Glory of God in your midst. Be bold, be positive and declare, “Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered”.
This is a month for you to make choices that will fulfil your potential. Do not be unstable this month but with strength and dignity move forward into your destiny because My goodness is upon you so you will have hope. Protect your heart, for hope deferred makes the heart sick.
Be on your guard against those who seek to blindside you. Take responsibility for your own blind spots as you move forward with caution. Stay ever so close to Me this month and remember I have got you covered. I go ahead of you, and I AM your rear guard and stay out of the fight. Let the giants fight it out between them as they destroy each other.
Stand on your watch and set yourself on the ramparts to watch and see what I AM saying to you. You must stand in faith, and you will see the salvation of the Lord. I AM bringing justice and liberty to all because without justice there is no hope. I AM saying to you, Beloved, “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets that he may run who reads it, for the vision is yet for an appointed time and though it tarry, it will surely come”.
There is a high call – a commission - on your life and you are about to cross over into My promises. (This is the month that Joshua and Caleb crossed over to spy out the land). This is a month of preparation for you before crossing over. Do not fear the giants or the problems but focus on the Promise.
There is a “see-er anointing” being released over you now. Listen to My instructions to take the land and the prosperity that I AM giving you for your calling/commission. Do not fall into negativity or bring a bad report when you are feeling overwhelmed; remember the past prophecies declared over you.
Let praise and joy be continually in your mouth as you magnify and proclaim My name. I AM pouring out My mercy to help you and you will not be disappointed because MY love has been poured out generously into your heart through My Holy Spirit.
Every blessing,
Lovingly, Abba
Humbly submitted by Miriam Wakefield
[1] “Then your light will shine like the sunrise; your restoration will quickly arrive; your godly behavior will go before you, and the Lord’s splendor will be your rear guard” (Isa. 58:8).
[2] “In the darkness a light shines for the godly, for each one who is merciful, compassionate, and just” (Ps. 112:4).
[3] “But the wise will shine like the brightness of the heavenly expanse. And those bringing many to righteousness will be like the stars forever and ever” (Dan. 12:3).
[4] “It lasted until the ninth day of the fourth month of Zedekiah’s eleventh year. On that day they broke through the city walls” (Jer. 39:2).
[5] “In the thirtieth year, on the fifth day of the fourth month, while I was among the exiles at the Kebar River, the heavens opened and I saw a divine vision” (Ezek. 1:1).
[6] “When the people saw that Moses was delayed in coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said to him, ‘Get up, make us gods that will go before us. As for this fellow Moses, the man who brought us up from the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him!’” (Exod. 32:1).
[7] Habakkuk 2:2-3 Stand on your watch…write the vision that he may run who reads it
[8] “I, the Lord, officially commission you; I take hold of your hand. I protect you and make you a covenant mediator for people, and a light to the nations” (Isa. 42:6).
[9] “His head and hair were as white as wool, even as white as snow, and his eyes were like a fiery flame” (Rev. 1:14).
This month is a month to be watchful, but I AM also teaching you how to shine through difficult times. Your destiny in Me is greater than you can possibly think or imagine. The light of life radiates in and through you and people, even those who do not recognize the source of that light radiating from your eyes, will be attracted to it, and some will try to put it out. This is a season of new beginnings and breakthrough; keep your heart soft, Beloved, and declare, “Lord, Your fire is burning in me. It’s Your fire inside me that causes my eyes to shine with Your light and life.”
The words for this month are “correction and direction”. There are going to be tough times ahead as the Titans clash in the heavenly realms which will be felt on the earth but let Me remind you, Beloved, the battle is mine and you will see the Glory of God in your midst. Be bold, be positive and declare, “Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered”.
This is a month for you to make choices that will fulfil your potential. Do not be unstable this month but with strength and dignity move forward into your destiny because My goodness is upon you so you will have hope. Protect your heart, for hope deferred makes the heart sick.
Be on your guard against those who seek to blindside you. Take responsibility for your own blind spots as you move forward with caution. Stay ever so close to Me this month and remember I have got you covered. I go ahead of you, and I AM your rear guard and stay out of the fight. Let the giants fight it out between them as they destroy each other.
Stand on your watch and set yourself on the ramparts to watch and see what I AM saying to you. You must stand in faith, and you will see the salvation of the Lord. I AM bringing justice and liberty to all because without justice there is no hope. I AM saying to you, Beloved, “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets that he may run who reads it, for the vision is yet for an appointed time and though it tarry, it will surely come”.
There is a high call – a commission - on your life and you are about to cross over into My promises. (This is the month that Joshua and Caleb crossed over to spy out the land). This is a month of preparation for you before crossing over. Do not fear the giants or the problems but focus on the Promise.
There is a “see-er anointing” being released over you now. Listen to My instructions to take the land and the prosperity that I AM giving you for your calling/commission. Do not fall into negativity or bring a bad report when you are feeling overwhelmed; remember the past prophecies declared over you.
Let praise and joy be continually in your mouth as you magnify and proclaim My name. I AM pouring out My mercy to help you and you will not be disappointed because MY love has been poured out generously into your heart through My Holy Spirit.
Every blessing,
Lovingly, Abba
Humbly submitted by Miriam Wakefield
[1] “Then your light will shine like the sunrise; your restoration will quickly arrive; your godly behavior will go before you, and the Lord’s splendor will be your rear guard” (Isa. 58:8).
[2] “In the darkness a light shines for the godly, for each one who is merciful, compassionate, and just” (Ps. 112:4).
[3] “But the wise will shine like the brightness of the heavenly expanse. And those bringing many to righteousness will be like the stars forever and ever” (Dan. 12:3).
[4] “It lasted until the ninth day of the fourth month of Zedekiah’s eleventh year. On that day they broke through the city walls” (Jer. 39:2).
[5] “In the thirtieth year, on the fifth day of the fourth month, while I was among the exiles at the Kebar River, the heavens opened and I saw a divine vision” (Ezek. 1:1).
[6] “When the people saw that Moses was delayed in coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said to him, ‘Get up, make us gods that will go before us. As for this fellow Moses, the man who brought us up from the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him!’” (Exod. 32:1).
[7] Habakkuk 2:2-3 Stand on your watch…write the vision that he may run who reads it
[8] “I, the Lord, officially commission you; I take hold of your hand. I protect you and make you a covenant mediator for people, and a light to the nations” (Isa. 42:6).
[9] “His head and hair were as white as wool, even as white as snow, and his eyes were like a fiery flame” (Rev. 1:14).