A Prophetic Word for the Month of IYAR
I YHVH AM your Redeemer
9th May – 6th June 2024 / 5784
Dearly Beloved One,
It is time to shift into My timeline as we begin to count the days to Pentecost. It is important for you to understand that you are in the month of the Tribe of Issachar who understood the times, to know what Israel ought to do.
So, when we are walking together in sync with My timing, you also will know what you should do. In this way I will grant you revelation and vision, because without vision the people perish. It is time to shift, and in the days ahead, I am giving you time to change your thinking.
I AM also wooing you into a deeper covenant relationship with Me in order to strengthen and stabilize your faith, for I AM opening a healing portal to beckon the harvest. I will heal through natural means, for I AM Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals.
Expect me to heal long standing health issues, so press in, Beloved, healing the sick and driving out demons. I will show you keys of healing, keys of advancement, and keys to handle complicated situations.
Remember, the secrets of the Lord are with those who confide in Him – that is the secret. Everywhere you go ask ME and trust ME to give you opportunities to minister healing. I will equip you to accomplish all I desire.
This is a time to reap the harvest that is ripening right now, and watch for the first fruits – described as a “barley harvest”, then will come the worldwide harvest – “the wheat harvest”.
I will begin to put people across your path that need to hear a word from Me, and I need you to be My mouthpiece. You carry the radiance of MY light which will help you to see more revelation, not only about yourself and your circumstances, but also about others, too. I know you have been thinking about this harvest for a long time and now the time has come, “as a man thinks in his heart so is he”.
Expect fresh miracles. You are not going backwards, so press on to the goal to win the prize for which I have called you.
Thank you for all your gifts of giving this month, not only financial gifts, but the hours and hours that you have worked behind closed doors that no-one else has seen. But I saw you, Beloved. I saw you for I AM the God who sees You.
Thank you for being so faithful, kind and compassionate. You are My hands that bind the broken hearted, that calms a child in its greatest fear, you are My arms that build shelters in the storm others are facing, and for providing for the new assignments I AM undertaking through the Ekklesia. As you have done it to the least of these My brethren, you have done it unto ME.
I am overjoyed with your extravagant love towards Me but you cannot outgive ME so in turn, you will reap a blessing for which you have been waiting a long time.
Don’t get discouraged and stop when you discover weaknesses within yourself, for My strength is made perfect in weakness. I AM your greatest encourager, and I will never stop doing good to you.
Make sure these three things in your soul —mind, will, and emotions—are aligned with ME as you release words of grace.
I AM breathing upon you once again, Beloved, in this season as we count the days to Pentecost. Receive a new infilling of My Holy Spirit and speak words of prophecy over one another according to the season we are in. It is a gift I have given to you.
I AM redeeming time.
Your Loving Heavenly Father,
(Submitted by Miriam Wakefield)
It is time to shift into My timeline as we begin to count the days to Pentecost. It is important for you to understand that you are in the month of the Tribe of Issachar who understood the times, to know what Israel ought to do.
So, when we are walking together in sync with My timing, you also will know what you should do. In this way I will grant you revelation and vision, because without vision the people perish. It is time to shift, and in the days ahead, I am giving you time to change your thinking.
I AM also wooing you into a deeper covenant relationship with Me in order to strengthen and stabilize your faith, for I AM opening a healing portal to beckon the harvest. I will heal through natural means, for I AM Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals.
Expect me to heal long standing health issues, so press in, Beloved, healing the sick and driving out demons. I will show you keys of healing, keys of advancement, and keys to handle complicated situations.
Remember, the secrets of the Lord are with those who confide in Him – that is the secret. Everywhere you go ask ME and trust ME to give you opportunities to minister healing. I will equip you to accomplish all I desire.
This is a time to reap the harvest that is ripening right now, and watch for the first fruits – described as a “barley harvest”, then will come the worldwide harvest – “the wheat harvest”.
I will begin to put people across your path that need to hear a word from Me, and I need you to be My mouthpiece. You carry the radiance of MY light which will help you to see more revelation, not only about yourself and your circumstances, but also about others, too. I know you have been thinking about this harvest for a long time and now the time has come, “as a man thinks in his heart so is he”.
Expect fresh miracles. You are not going backwards, so press on to the goal to win the prize for which I have called you.
Thank you for all your gifts of giving this month, not only financial gifts, but the hours and hours that you have worked behind closed doors that no-one else has seen. But I saw you, Beloved. I saw you for I AM the God who sees You.
Thank you for being so faithful, kind and compassionate. You are My hands that bind the broken hearted, that calms a child in its greatest fear, you are My arms that build shelters in the storm others are facing, and for providing for the new assignments I AM undertaking through the Ekklesia. As you have done it to the least of these My brethren, you have done it unto ME.
I am overjoyed with your extravagant love towards Me but you cannot outgive ME so in turn, you will reap a blessing for which you have been waiting a long time.
Don’t get discouraged and stop when you discover weaknesses within yourself, for My strength is made perfect in weakness. I AM your greatest encourager, and I will never stop doing good to you.
Make sure these three things in your soul —mind, will, and emotions—are aligned with ME as you release words of grace.
I AM breathing upon you once again, Beloved, in this season as we count the days to Pentecost. Receive a new infilling of My Holy Spirit and speak words of prophecy over one another according to the season we are in. It is a gift I have given to you.
I AM redeeming time.
Your Loving Heavenly Father,
(Submitted by Miriam Wakefield)